Match the item in Group I with an appropriate description in Group 2 :
Group 1 Group 2 P. UPGMA 1. Protein sequence database Q. CLUSTAL 2. Phylogenetic analysis R. SWISS-PROT 3. 3-D structure visualization S. RasMOl 4. Multiple sequence alignment
- P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3
- P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
- P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
- P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
Correct Option: B
• UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) is a simple agglomerative or hierarchical clustering method. Inbioinformatics, UPGMA is used for the creation of phenetic trees (phenograms). In a phylogenetic context, UPGMA assumes a constant rate of evolution (molecular clock hypothesis).
• CLUSTAL is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins.
• SWISS-PROT is a curated protein sequence database which strives to provide a high level of annotation(such as the description of the function of a protein, its domain structure, post-translational modifications, variants, etc), a minimal level of redundancy and a high level of integration with other databases.
• RasMol is a computer program written for molecular graphics visualization intended and used primarily for the depiction and exploration of biological macromolecule structures