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Control system miscellaneous

  1. The transfer function of a second order real system with a perfectly flat magnitude response of unity has a pole at (2 – j3). List all the poles and zeroes.
    1. Poles at (2 ± j3), no zeroes
    2. Poles at (±2 – j3), one zero at origin
    3. Poles at (2 – j3), (– 2 + j3), zeroes at (– 2 – j3), (2 + j3)
    4. Poles at (2 ± j3), zeroes at (– 2 ± j3)
Correct Option: D

System is second order
It means, number of poles = 2
System has perfectly flat magnitude response.
It means, It is all pass system
In all pass system,
Poles and zeros are mirror image about Imaginary axis,
One pole = (2 – j3)
Other pole = (2 + j3)

poles at (2 ± j3)
zeros at (– 2 ± j3)

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