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Electrical machines miscellaneous

Electrical Machines

  1. The flux density at a point in space is given by B = 4xax +2kyay + 8az Wb/m2. The value of Qconstant k must be equal to
    1. – 2
    2. – 0.5
    3. +0.5
    4. +2
Correct Option: A

B = 4ax̂ + 2ky aŷ + 8aẑ
Divergence of magnetic flux density is zero
That is ∇ . B = 0

(4x) +
(2ky) +
.8 = 0

⇒ 4 + 2x + 0 = 0 &rArr k = – 2
∴ Option (a).

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