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  1. A single circuit 50 Hz, 3 – φ transmission line has the following parameters per km.
    R = 0.2Ω, L = 1.3 mH, C = 0.01 µF
    The efficiency of the line, if the line is 120 km long and deliver 40 mW at 132 kV and 0.8 pf lagging will be _________%
    1. 0.926%
    2. 9.26%
    3. 92.6%
    4. 926%
Correct Option: C

R = 0.2 × 120 = 24Ω
XL = 2πƒ. L = 314 × 120 × 1.30 × 10-3
= 48.98Ω
XC = 0.01 × 10-6 × 120 = 12

Ir =
40 × 1000
= 218.7 Amp
3 × 132 × 0.8

Ir = 218.7 (0.8 – j0.6) = (174.96 – j131.22)
IC1 = (j314)r0.6 × 10–6 × Vr
Vr =
132 × 1000
= 76200 volts

IC1 = (j314) × 0.6× 10-6 × 76200 = (j14.356) amp
IL = IC1 + Ir = (174.96 – j116.86)
= 210.39 |33.73°
loss = 3 × (210.39)² × 24 = 3.187 MW.
η =
40 × 100
40 × 100
= 92.6%
(40 + 3.18743.187

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