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  1. Correlate the cricket grounds and the cities where the ICC World Cup 2003 competition games were held.
    A. The Wanderers1. Bulawayo
    B. St. George’s Park 2. Durban
    C. Kings Mead3.Johannesburg
    D. Queens4. Port Eliza beth Ground
    1. A B C D
      4 3 1 2
    2. A B C D
      3 2 1 4
    3. A B C D
      2 1 3 4
    4. A B C D
      3 4 2 1
Correct Option: C

BIDVest Wanderers Stadium is a stadium situated just south of Sandton in Illovo, Johannesburg in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Test, One Day and First class cricket matches are played here. St George’s Park Cricket Ground (also known as Crusaders Ground) is a cricket ground in St George’s Park, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Kingsmead is a cricket ground in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It operates under the sponsorship-based name of Sahara Stadium Kingsmead where Sahara is the trademark of a sponsor from the IT industry. Queens Sports Club is a multi-purpose stadium in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It is used mostly for cricket matches.

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