The 16 year old school boy, Arjun Vajpayee became the youngest Indian to successfully climb the Mount Everest on May 22, 2010 is from which State ?
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- N.C.T. of Delhi
- Uttarakhand
Correct Option: A
Arjun Vajpayee, a student of the Ryan International School in Noida, reached the peak of the 8,156 metre high Mt. Lhotse, world’s fourth highest peak, on May 19, 2011. On May 22,2010, he climbed the 8,848 metre high Mt. Everest at the age of 16. He broke the record of Krushnaa Patil, 18, from Maharashtra who became the youngest Indian to reach Everest in 2009.