Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
The language problem is not solved by deciding the medium of instruction in the educational institutions. The problem of ##QUESTION_1## between State Governments still ##QUESTION_2##. At present, each State Government is ##QUESTION_3## the process of ##QUESTION_4## the ##QUESTION_5## language as the medium for ##QUESTION_6## purposes. Then the need for a stable language for ##QUESTION_7## communication ##QUESTION_8##. Moreover, the Central Government shall ##QUESTION_9## adopt a particular language for ##QUESTION_10## own official work.
- local
- mother
- regional
- foreign
- local
Correct Option: C
regional (Adj.) : of or relating to a region