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Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
To be able to grow into self confident, fearless and active women, a girl must be nurtured in an atmosphere where she can be valued. However, for the average girl child in India. her prospects of all round healthy development are severely constrained. Born into a socially inhospitable environment, a girl is considered to be an expense - someone who will never contribute to the family income and at the time of her marriage will take large assets as dowry. So deeply entrenched is the ideology of sun preference, that a mother not only hopes and prays for a boy but actually fears the birth of a daughter. In India, girls are socialized from the very beginning to accept the ideology of make supremacy, which makes them a prey to discriminatory practices. This means that not only girl are socially unequipped to question the injustices done them, but in the absence of models of role and conduct, they actually propagate the dominant social and cultural values which are against their interests. Large number of the girl are allowed to die because of malnutrition and disease, which are not properly treated. Children who are working and are on the street are know as children. A street child may be defined as a minor for whom the street has become his or her habitual abode and who is without adequate protection.

  1. Girl in our society are victim of ?
    1. Feminism
    2. Traditions
    3. Judiciary
    4. Discrimination
Correct Option: D

Girls in our society are victim of discrimination. They are always supposed to be inferior to their male counterpart

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