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Direction: In view of the (71) demand for personnel with commerce background, in the post-liberalisation period, courses in commerce have (72) the attention of students and parents. There is growing (73) for these courses not only in schools but also in colleges. But the (74) of commerce education in schools leaves (75) to be desired. Its popularity, importance and quality, to a large extent, depends much on the teaching methodology being (76) in schools. Of coourse, the (77) review and (78) of syllabi also (79). But this aspect is (80) taken care fo suitably, by the concerned organisations

  1. NA
    1. commotion
    2. contempt
    3. demand
    4. dissatisfaction
Correct Option: C

On the basis of above given passage , we get
The meaningful word will come on the blank place of ( 73 ) , which is correct :-

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