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Direction: Read the following passages carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to the questions out of the four alternatives.
The human eye is a complex part of the body that is used for seeing. Eyes enable people to perform daily tasks and to learn about the world that surrounds them. Sight, or vision, is a rapidly occurring process that involves continuous interaction between the eye, the nervous system, and the brain. When someone looks at an object, what he really sees is the light reflected from the object. This reflected light passes through the lens and falls on the retina of the eye. Here the light induces nerve impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain and then over other nerves to muscles and glands. The eye is similar to a television camera. Both the eye and the television camera convert light energy to electrical energy. The eye converts light to nerve impulses that are interpreted by the brain as the sense perception called sight. A television camera converts light to electronic signals that are broadcast and transformed into light images in a television receiver. It is wonderful that human eyes blink an average of once every six seconds. This washes the eye with the salty secretion from the tear or lachrymal glands. Each tear gland is about the size and shape of an almond. These glands are situated behind the upper eyelid at the outer corner of the eye. After passing over the eye, the liquid from the gland is drained into the nose through the tear duct at the inner corner of the eye.
(1) interpreted (V.) : understood
(2) perception (N.) : the way you notice things (with the senses)
(3) lachrymal (Adj.) : of, pertaining to, tears
(4) duct (N.) : a tube in the body through which liquid passes

  1. What do we see when we look at an object?
    1. The object reflected by the light.
    2. The light reflected from the object.
    3. The shadow of the object.
    4. The object as it is.
Correct Option: B

The light reflected from the object.

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