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Direction: Read the following passages carefully and answer the question that follows.
Floriculture can be defined as the art and knowledge of growing flowers to perfection. Department of agriculture and co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture is the nodal organization responsible for development of the floriculture sector. It is responsible for formulation and implementation of national policies and programmes aimed at achieving rapid agricultural growth through optimum utilization of land, water, soil and plant resources of the country. It also includes production of planting materials through seeds, cuttings, budding and grafting. Production of cut flowers for exports is also a thrust area for support. Researchers' key focus areas are crop improvement, standardization of agro-techniques including improved propagation methods, plant protection and post harvest management. In recent years, however, technologies for protected cultivation and tissue culture for mass propagation have also received attention. A large number of promising varieties of cut flowers have been developed

  1. The passage mainly focus on ?
    1. Department of agriculture
    2. Floriculture
    3. The Ministry of Agriculture
    4. Harvest management
Correct Option: B

The author throughout the passage talks about floriculture and other issues are just helping to it to come to full circle. Other options (a), (c) and (d) are helping floriculture to be the main focus.

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