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Direction: Read the following passages carefully and answer the question that follows.
"Cloning is an advanced technological invention for producing a genetic twin of a living thing, an organism that starts life with the same genes as its parents. In mammals, DNA is taken from an adult animal and then it is inserted into an egg cell from another animal. This egg then divides into an embryo. The embryo is then transplanted into a surrogate mother and grown to term. This process has worked in animals like cows, sheep, goats, mice, pigs, rats, cat, monkeys, and horses." The opponents of human cloning say that an embryo at any stage of development is a human life. worthy of protection and any kind of research that entails destroying an embryo is immoral, unethical, no matter how worthy the intent may be. It involves using human beings as means; it turns human life into a commodity and fosters a culture of dehumanization.

  1. What does this passage talk about ?
    1. Human life
    2. Animal life
    3. Embryo of animals
    4. Technological invention
Correct Option: D

In this passage, the author talks about the technological development and its invention. The other options (a), (b) and (c) are partially correct

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