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Direction: In the following passages some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternative and fill in the blanks.

A healthy body is necessary for the development of the (966) and wisdom. Every human being should exercise daily to (967) good health. Physical exercise (968) physical fitness. It makes human beings mentally (969) Physical exercise is required to (970) food properly.

  1. NA
    1. healing
    2. intellect
    3. benevolence
    4. nominate
Correct Option: B

Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.

intellect (N.)
intellect (N.) : our mind
healing (N.) : the process of becoming/making somebody/ something healthy again
benevolence (N.) : the quality of being kind, helpful and generous
nominate (V.) : to choose somebody to do a particular job ; propose

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