Direction: Passage-III
One day when king Rama was sitting on his (981) his ring fell off. When it touched the earth, it made a hole in the ground and disappeared into it. It was (982). His trusty henchman, Hanuman, was (983) his feet. Rama said to Hanuman, “Look, my ring is lost. (984) it for me.”
Now Hanuman can enter any hole, no matter how tiny. He had the power to become the smallest of the small and larger than the largest thing. So he took on a (985) form and went down the hole.
He went and went and went and (986) fell into the netherworld. There were women down there. “Look, a tiny monkey ! It’s fallen from above? Then they caught him and placed him on a platter (thali). The King of Spirits (bhut), who lives in the netherworld, likes to eat animals. So Hanuman was sent to him as part of his dinner, along with his vegetables. Hanuman sat on the platter, (987) what to do.
While this was going on in the netherworld, Rama sat on his throne on the earth above. The (988) Vasistha and the (989) Brahma came to see him. They said to Rama, “We want to talk privately with you. We don’t want anyone to (990) what we say or interrupt it. Do we agree ?” “All right.” said Rama, “We’ll talk.”
- wife
- daughter
- sage
- animal
- wife
Correct Option: D
Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.
sage (N.)