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Direction: Passage–III
In a very short period of time the internet has had a (1096) impact on the way we live. Since the internet was made (1097), it has lowered the (1098) to creative expression. It has provided (1099) to information on a larger scale. It has (1100) innovation without (1101) changes to its (1102). An open, borderless and (1103) platform means that barriers to entry are low, (1104) is (1105) and innovation is rapid.

Meanings of words/phrases
intricate (Adj.) : elaborate
pernicious (Adj.) : exceedingly harmful
obliterated (Adj.) : reduced to nothingness
intricacy (N.) : marked by elaborately complex detail
(5) levity (N.) : a manner lacking seriousness
(6) variability (N.) : the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformity
(7) Access = the opportunity to use something.
(8) Interoperability = ability to exchange information.

  1. NA
    1. mobilised
    2. modernised
    3. standardised
    4. civilised
Correct Option: C

Note : The Parts of Speech have been used according to the context of the Passage.


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