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Direction: You have brief passages with 5-10 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
The environment comprises all the physical, social and cultural factors and conditions influencing the existence or the development of an organism. Due to indiscriminate industrialization, man has created a state of decadence. He has continuously tampered “with nature which has resulted in the threat to the sustenance of mankind. Although, attempts have been made to restore nature to its previous state of purity and serenity, the efforts have not been wholehearted. Earth is the home we all share and would pass on to our future generations as their legacy. But if they inherit the present state of the world, they would be unable to sustain themselves. Man has steadily improved the technologies and other means necessary for higher production of wealth and for the availability of devices that could give more physical and mental pleasures. The industrial revolution led to a drastic escalation of earth’s surface temperature. Man exploited nature for his benefits, without any foresight as to what the implications of his actions would be.Indiscriminate industrialization resulted in urban migration as the rural poor settled in cities in search of opportunities. Cities, already facing a population crisis could not accommodate the migrants and this led to the development of slums. This has resulted in increased pressure on the available resources and further degradation of the environment.
decadence : behaviour, attributes, etc. which show a fall in standards, especially moral ones, and an interest in pleasure and enjoyment rather than more serious things.
sustenance : the food and drink that people, animals and plants need to live and stay healthy.
serenity : calmness and peacefulness

  1. A state of decadence has come about because of
    1. indiscriminate exploitation of resources.
    2. due to half-hearted attempts.
    3. natural disasters.
    4. None of the above
Correct Option: A

indiscriminate exploitation of resources

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