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Direction: You have passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Violence has played a great part in the would’s history. It is today playing an equally important part and probably it will continue to do so for a considerable time. It is impossible to ignore the importance of violence in the past and present. To do so is to ignore life. Yet violence is undoubtedly bad and brings an unending trail of evil consequences with it. And worse even than violence are the motives of hatred, cruelty, revenge and punishment which very often accompany violence. Indeed, violence is bad, not intrinsically, but because of these motives that go with it. There can be violence without these motives there can be violence for a good object as well as for an evil object. But it is extremely difficult to separate violence from these motives, and therefore, it is desirable to avoid violence as far as possible. In avoiding it, however someone can not accept a negative attitude of submitting to bad and far greater evils. Submission to violence or the acceptance of an unjust regime based on violence is against the spirit of non-violence. The non-violent method, in order to justify itself, must be dymanic and capable of changing such a regime of social order.
intrinsically: in real sense. regime: a method or system of organizing or managing something.

  1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
    1. Only violence can be used against violence.
    2. Violence is not inherently ill
    3. Violence is a historically accepted fact.
    4. Violence cannot be ignored.
Correct Option: A

Only violence can be used against violence.

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