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  1. Which of the following Authors and Books is incorrectly matched?
    1. Vishakhadatta : Mudrarakshasa
    2. Kautilya : Arthashastra
    3. Megasthenes : Indica
    4. Nagarjuna: Dhruvasw-amini
Correct Option: D

Dhruvaswamini is a famous drama by Jayshankar Prasad, considered one of the Four Pillars (Char Stambh) of Romanticism in Hindi Literature (Chhayavad), along with Sumitranandan Pant, Mahadevi Verma, and Suryakant Tripathi 'Nirala', which was published in 1933. Prasad's most famous dramas include Skandagupta, Chandragupta and Dhruvaswamini.

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