Match the Artistes and their Art form.
Artiste Art Form A. Amrita Shergill 1. Flute B. T. Swaminathan Pillai 2. Kathakali C. Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair 3. Painting D. Padmasubramaniam 4. Bharathanatyam
- A B C D
3 1 2 4
- A B C D
2 3 1 4
- A B C D
4 2 3 1
- A B C D
1 4 2 3
- A B C D
Correct Option: A
Amrita Sher-Gil, was an eminent Indian painter born to a Punjabi Sikh father and a Hungarian mother, sometimes known as India’s Frida Kahlo, and today considered an important woman painter of 20th century. T.N. Swaminathan Pillai was a flautist who revolutionized the style of flute-playing. Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair was one of the most renowned Kathakali artists of any time, and arguably the greatest in the history of the four-century-old classical dance-drama from Kerala in southern India. Padma Subrahmanyam is an Indian classical Bharathanrithyam dancer. She is also a research scholar, choreographer, music composer, musician, teacher and author.