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  1. In which part of India, canal irrigation system is the most common?
    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Maharashtra
    3. Sikkim
    4. Uttar Pradesh
Correct Option: D

Canal is the second largest source of irrigation providing water to 29.24 percent of the net area under irrigation. The country has one of the world’s largest canal systems stretching over more than one lakh kilometres. Canal irrigation is widely practiced in the Sutlej-Ganga plain. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar and Rajasthan have a number of such canals. In the Peninsular region canals are mostly found in the lower valleys and deltas of large rivers. Over 63 per cent of the total canal irrigated area of the country lies in Uttar Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana. Canals also feed a sizeable part of the irrigated area in Bihar, Orissa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.

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