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  1. Match the following :
    Rivers Towns
    A.Gomti 1.Guwahati
    B.Brahmaputra2. Rajahmundry
    C.Godavari 3. Tiruchirapalli
    D. Kaveri 4.Lucknow
    1. 3 4 2 1
    2. 2 1 3 4
    3. 4 1 2 3
    4. 4 2 1 3
Correct Option: C

Guwahati: between the southern bank of the Brahmaputra river and the foothills of the Shillong plateau; Rajahmundry: on banks of the River Godavari; Tiruchirapalli: situated at the head of the Kaveri Delta; and Lucknow: on the northwestern shore of Gomti river, which flows through it.

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