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  1. World’s maximum newsprint comes from–
    1. Deciduous forest
    2. Monsoon forest
    3. Mangrove forest
    4. Rainfed forest
Correct Option: A

Newspapers are made from a type of paper called newsprint. Coniferous softwoods such as spruce, pine, and cedar provide long (average 3mm), strong fibres. Newsprint needs strength enough to withstand the demands of fast printing presses, the ability to accept high-quality colour printing and enough opacity to prevent the printing showing through the pages. In most temperate coniferous forests, evergreen conifers predominate, while some are a mix of conifers and broadleaf evergreen trees and/or broadleaf deciduous trees. Temperate evergreen forests are common in the coastal areas of regions that have mild winters and heavy rainfall, or inland in drier climates or mountain areas

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