Pruning is an essential part in cultivation of :
- Rubber
- Tobacco
- Coffee
- Tea
Correct Option: D
Plucking and pruning are the methods employed in tea. Pruning is a vital operation for tea management to limit the top growth and to stimulate the growth of the bush. Pruning is a process to the tea bush at a certain height to control the vertical growth and allow it expanding horizontally for comfortable plucking with renewed and vigorous branching pattern. Some objectives of pruning are: to check the reproductive growth and provide stimulus for vegetative growth especially for the production of young shoot that constitute the crop; to remove the dead wear and unproductive wood; to renew the actively growing branches which can support the sufficient volume of maintenance foliage on it; to maintain the height and dead frame for economic plucking; to increase the growth hormone for vegetative growth; to derive store energy for the production of the growing shoot; and to reduce the incidence of pest and diseases which help to rejuvenate the bushes for the maximum cross production.