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  1. To an astronaut in a spacecraft, the sky appears to be
    1. Blue
    2. White
    3. Dark
    4. Red
Correct Option: C

We see colors because of the way light is reflected off of objects or substances. Light can either be absorbed into the object (or substance) or reflected. If an object or substance absorbs all wavelengths (colors) except blue, blue will be reflected and that is the color we see. If a substance absorbs all wavelengths except red and yellow the object will appear orange. If an object or substance absorbs no wavelengths but reflects them all, it is white - not black, as you might think. The color white is a combination of all colors. Black is the absence of any color. Space is black because there are no substances or objects to reflect back any color (or all colors, which would make it white). That is also why the astronauts see the earth as we see it in photos, but the space around it is black. The light from the sun is reflected back as the blues and greens and browns that we see, but the space around the earth is just that - empty space and therefore does not reflect back any colors, so it is black.

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