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  1. Who is the President of the World Bank?
    1. Paul Wolfowitz
    2. James Wolfensohn
    3. Rodrigo De Rato
    4. Allen Greenspan
Correct Option: A

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz is a former United States Ambassador to Indonesia, U.S. Deputy Secretary of
Defence, President of the World Bank, and former dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. He is currently a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, working on issues of international economic development, Africa and public-private partnerships, and chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council.
Note: Jim Yong Kim also known as Kim Yong is a South Korean-American physician and anthropologist who have served as the 12th President of the World Bank since July 1, 2012. Headquarters of world bank-Washington, D.C., U.S

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