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  1. What was the rank of India in Human Development Index according to the Human Development Report released by UNDP in July 2014, which covered 187 countries?
    1. 140th
    2. 73rd
    3. 130th
    4. 135th
Correct Option: D

According to the 2014 Human Development Report (HDR) released on 24 July 2014, India was ranked at 135 out of 187 countries. India was placed among the ‘medium development’ countries like Egypt, South Africa, Mongolia, Philippines and Indonesia.
Note: India came down by one slot and was ranked 131st among 188 countries on Human Development Index (HDI) 2016 released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). India was ranked 130th in 2015 Human Development Index. 50. (1) As per official data released on 28 January 2016, India has overtaken Thailand as the world’s largest rice exporter in 2015, shipping 10.23 million tonnes in the said year. Thailand exported 9.8 million tonnes of rice in 2015. Vietnam was third globally while China remained the number one importer of rice.

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