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  1. Which among the following events occurred first?
    1. John Logy Baird demonstrated first television
    2. Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin
    3. Telecast of talking pictures on television by BBC
    4. Jonas E. Salk developed first polio vaccine
Correct Option: A

John Logy Baird demonstrated first television on 26 January, 1926, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, Telecast of talking pictures on television by BBC took place on 2 July, 1967, Jonas E. Salk developed first polio vaccine in 1952. John Logie Baird was born on 14 August, 1888 in Helensburgh on the west coast of Scotland, the son of a clergyman. In 1929, the German post office gave him the facilities to develop an experimental television service based on his mechanical system, the only one operable at the time. Sound and vision were initially sent alternately, and only began to be transmitted simultaneously from 1930.

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