Direction: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.
1. An attempt upon a crowned head or a president is sensational enough in a way, but not so much as it used to be.
A. Horrible enough at first sight no doubt, and yet not so effective as a person of ordinary mind might think.
B. It has entered into the general conception of the existence of all chiefs of state.
C. No matter how revolutionary and anarchist in inception, there would be fools enough to give such an outrage the character of a religious manifestation.
D. Now let us take an outrage upon – say – a church.
6. And that would detract from the especial alarming significance we wish to give to the act.
- D A B C
- B D A C
- B A D C
- A D C B
Correct Option: B
B follows 1 giving a reason why terror attempts on a chief of state are no longer as sensational as they used to be. B D is a mandatory pair since ‘now’ in D serves to contrast an attempt on the life of a chief of state with an ‘outrage upon a church’. A follows D since the ‘horrible enough’ in A refers to the outrage mentioned in D. Option (c) is incorrect as A cannot come after B. It is not clear what ‘horrible enough at first sight’ refers to. It can refer to ‘an attempt on a crowned head’ or the fact that ‘it has entered into the general conception of all chiefs’. Moreover, C gives a reason why such an outrage might fail (someone giving it a religious manifestation) which fits in perfectly before VI. Therefore the correct sequence is B D A C and option (b) is the correct answer choice