Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when arranged in the proper sequence, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter/number. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. The operation of last week was as dramatic as the conceptualization of the gigantic statue of 350 tons.
    B. The giant monolithic statue of Buddha was salvaged from the Hussainsagar lake.
    C. The project was the brainchild and magnificent obsession of late N.T. Rama Rao.
    D. It went down in the lake in 1990, when it was being transported to the Rock of Gibraltar, its intended seat.
    1. A C B D
    2. B C D A
    3. B D A C
    4. B A C D
Correct Option: C

B D is the key. Passage must begin with B as it introduces salvaged ‘giant statue of Buddha,’ it cannot begin with A, C, D with their ‘The operation of last week’, ‘The project’ and ‘It went down’ respectively. They only advance the argument introduced by B. D should obviously follow B as D tells when the ‘giant statue’ of Buddha ‘went down in the lake’, A should follow D which tells the ‘operation’ (of salvaging the statue) was ‘dramatic’, C should follow A and conclude the passage telling whose ‘obsession’ the project (of salvaging) was. Option (a): passage wrongly begins with A instead of B whereas A should follow D which in turn should follow B after D has told when the ‘giant statue’ of Buddha ‘went down in the lake,’ A calls the ‘operation (of salvaging the statue) was dramatic’ and so on. Option (b): passage correctly begins with B but C wrongly follows it whereas C should follow A and conclude the passage, after A calls the ‘operation’ (of salvaging the statue) ‘dramatic’ C tells whose ‘brainchild’ the ‘project’ was. Option (d): passage correctly begins with B but A wrongly follows B whereas A should follow D which in turn should follow B, after D has told when the statue ‘went down in the lake’ A calls the ‘operation’ ‘dramatic’ and so on. Except (c) other options are wrong.

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