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Direction: In each question, there are five sentences. The sentence labelled A is in its correct place. The four that follow are labelled B, C, D and E, and need to be arranged in the logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the most appropriate option.

  1. A. According to materialists, the universe was eternal, and therefore, there was no purpose or special creation in it.
    B. Claiming that everything came into being as the result of unconscious atoms assembling at random, they believed that no matter how much complexity, balance and magnificent regularity was exhibited by the external world, these were still the result of purposeless coincidences.
    C. Materialists imagined that all the balances, equilibrium, harmony and order in the universe were solely the results of chance.
    D. Since materialism rejected the concepts of purpose and creation to the universe, it also denied the existence of a Creator.
    E. Materialist minds had held such preconceptions ever since the days of Ancient Greece.
    1. C B E D
    2. E B D C
    3. D B E C
    4. D C E B
Correct Option: A

Statement A ends with the idea of ‘no special creation’. According to the options, sentence C, D or E follows. Sentence D adds another dimension to the given information by stating that ‘it also denied the existence of a Creator’. This point has not been elaborated anywhere so it cannot follow any other statement. Sentence E mentions ‘preconceptions’ whereas only one idea has been mentioned so far. Sentence C elaborates the information given in A. ‘The results of chance’ in C can be associated with ‘the result of purposeless coincidences’ in B. So, CB is a mandatory pair given in (a). The plural ‘preconceptions’ mentioned in E forms a link here and the paragraph ends with sentence D that provides an additional idea of ‘non-existence of a creator’. Hence, (a) becomes the correct answer choice.

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