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Direction: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from amongst the given choices so as to form a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. The upsurge of public activism against the setting up of Special Economic Zones, which eventually forced the State Government to announce the scrapping of all 15 such projects, is an impressive case in point.
    B. Early last year, a similar agitation coerced the government into calling for a revision of the Goa Regional Plan 2011, a controversial document that opened up large swathes of land, including green belts and coastal stretches, for construction.
    C. The broad–based agitation against SEZs has demonstrated the power of popular protest in the State.
    D. Those opposed to the projects had questioned the propriety of the government acquiring large tracts of land and then selling them to promoters at low prices.
    E. A coastal State with an area of 3,700 square kilometers and a population of about 1.4 million, Goa has always been extremely sensitive to the impact of unrestrained economic development.
    1. C D E A B
    2. B C D E A
    3. E A B C D
    4. D A B C E
Correct Option: C

We follow paragraph formation as :-
The paragraph is clearly taking about Goa state and hence E has to be opening sentence is the paragraph. This is followed by A where the phrase, ‘is an impressive case in point’, which is an example of what is being said in E. A is followed by E as ‘a similar agitation’ mentioned in B refers to the public activism mentioned in A. B is further followed by D and C.
Thus , correct sequence is E A B C D .

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