Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from amongst the given choices so as to form a coherent paragraph.

  1. A. Because, if the manager’s subordinates are inefficient and ineffective and are not helped to increase their efficiency and effectiveness, the task may not be achieved.
    B. This must be just as true as the responsibility for achieving his prescribed tasks..
    C. If it is achieved it is at too great a cost, or at the risk of other effects, many of which are less obvious.
    D. It is often and that one of the prime responsibilities of a manager is the training and development of his staff.
    1. A D B C
    2. C A B D
    3. B D A C
    4. D B A C
Correct Option: D

As per the given above paragraph , we can find the correct sequence order :
‘D’ is stating a fact. ‘B’ is supporting the argument in ‘D’ ‘A’ highlighting what may happen if situation in ‘D’ is not achieved. ‘C’ is indicating towards that eventuality.
Thus , correct answer is D B A C .

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