Home » Verbal Ability » Paragraph Formation » Question

Direction: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from amongst the given choices so as to form a coherent paragraph.

  1. P : Such a national policy will surely divide and never unite the pople.
    Q : Infact, it suites the purpose of the politicians, they can drag the people into submission by appealing to them in the name of religion.
    R : In order to inculcate, the unquestioning belief, they condemn the other states which do not follow their religion.
    S : The emergence of the theocratic states, where all types of crimes are committed in the name of religion of the Middle Ages is dangerous.
    1. P Q R S
    2. S Q R P
    3. S Q P R
    4. R S P Q
Correct Option: B

We follow paragraph formation as :-
S is the opening sentence which introduces the subject followed by Q, the pronoun subject of Q replaces the noun subject of S. This will be followed by R because the ‘they’ in R refers to the ‘politicians’ in S. So , required answer will be S Q R P .

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