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  1. Consider the following statements in regard to Gross Domestic product (GDP) of India :
    (1) Between 1951 and 2000 the share of agriculture in GDP fell from around 56% to around 25%
    (2) Share the services sector in GDP was less than industrial sector between 1951 and 2000
    Which of the statements given below is/are not correct?
    1. 1 only
    2. 2 only
    3. Both l and 2
    4. Neither l nor 2
Correct Option: D

Between 1951 and 2000 the share of agriculture in GDP fell from around 59% to around 25%. Share of the services sector in GDP was more than industrial sector. Between 1951 and 2000 it was around 28% for services and 13% for manufacturing In 1950. in 1990 it was around 40% Service and 24% manufacturing. It was around 51% services in 2000.

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