The base level of a river is the lowest level at which river erosion can take place, which is sea level. Changes in sea level over time can be a result of climate changes or tectonic activity. If the land level rises or the sea level falls, there is a drop in the base level. This will result in the land rising when compared to the sea level. The new river profile will now flow faster to the sea as vertical erosion cuts into the river bed. This process is called rejuvenation.
River rejuvenation leads to the formation of landform features like Knick point, incised meanders, river terraces, etc.
However, an oxbow lake is formed when a wide meander of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water. Such lakes form during the mature phase of a river.
June 21, 2018The base level of a river is the lowest level at which river erosion can take place, which is sea level. Changes in sea level over time can be a result of climate changes or tectonic activity. If the land level rises or the sea level falls, there is a drop in the base level. This will result in the land rising when compared to the sea level. The new river profile will now flow faster to the sea as vertical erosion cuts into the river bed. This process is called rejuvenation.
River rejuvenation leads to the formation of landform features like Knick point, incised meanders, river terraces, etc.
However, an oxbow lake is formed when a wide meander of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water. Such lakes form during the mature phase of a river.