Home » Physical Geography » Earthquake And Volcano » Question
  1. Tsunamis are mainly produced by
    1. Subaerial earthquakes
    2. Submarine earthquakes
    3. Cyclones
    4. Tides
Correct Option: B

Tsunamis are mainly produced by submarine earthquakes.



    June 21, 2018 Reply

    Due to submarine earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions, massive displacement
    of ocean water takes place. This leads to the generation of waves with wavelengths of a few kilometers but only a few meters in amplitude. Due to which these waves are not dangerous in the open ocean.

    However, when they travel towards the shore, they attain massive height
    due to a reduction in ocean depth. Also, the speed of these waves decreases due to the friction from the ocean surface near the coast. A decrease in speed leads to accumulation of multiple waves further increasing their height.

    These massive waves are known as 'Tsunami' or 'Killer waves' as they intrude deep into coastal areas damaging life and property.

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