Database miscellaneous

Database miscellaneous

  1. Consider the following relations :

    Consider the following SQL query. SELECT S.
    Student_Name, sum (P.Marks)
    FROM Student S, Performance P
    WHERE S.Roll_No. = P.Roll_No.
    GROUP BY S.Student_Name
    The number of rows that will be returned by the SQL query is _______.

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    Output table is

    Correct Option: B

    Output table is

  1. Consider a database that has the relation schema CR(StudentName. CourseName). An instance of the schema CR is as given below.

    The following query is made on the database.
    T1 ← πCourseNameStudentName= ‘SA’(CR))
    T2 ← CR ÷ T1
    The number of rows in T2 is _______.

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    The given query is made on the database are:
    For T1 Result: find out the course name for the student name is ‘SA’ i.e.

    So, T1 = {CA, CB, CC} The number of rows in T1 is 3.
    2. T1 ← (CR ÷ T1)

    For T2 Result: find out the student name for which every course name of T1 are {CA, CB, CC} is:
    So, T2 = {SA, SC, SD, SF} Hence, the number of rows in T2 is 4.

    Correct Option: C

    The given query is made on the database are:
    For T1 Result: find out the course name for the student name is ‘SA’ i.e.

    So, T1 = {CA, CB, CC} The number of rows in T1 is 3.
    2. T1 ← (CR ÷ T1)

    For T2 Result: find out the student name for which every course name of T1 are {CA, CB, CC} is:
    So, T2 = {SA, SC, SD, SF} Hence, the number of rows in T2 is 4.

  1. Consider the following database table named water_schemes:

    The number of tuples returned by the following SQL query is ________.
    with total (name, capacity) as
        select district_name, sum (capacity)
        from water_schemes
        group by district_name
    with total_avg (capacity) as
        select avg (capacity)
        from total
    select name
        from total, total_avg
        where total.capacity ≠ total_avg.capacity

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    First we should perform group by group. We get ajmer 1
    bikaner 3
    charu 2
    dungargarh 1
    Now we should perform total capacity we will get 100. Now perform avg. capacity on total 100 / 4 = 25. bikaner = 40 which is greater than 25 charu is 30 which is also greater than 25. Hence charu and bikaner will be printed therefore answer is 2 tuples.

    Correct Option: A

    First we should perform group by group. We get ajmer 1
    bikaner 3
    charu 2
    dungargarh 1
    Now we should perform total capacity we will get 100. Now perform avg. capacity on total 100 / 4 = 25. bikaner = 40 which is greater than 25 charu is 30 which is also greater than 25. Hence charu and bikaner will be printed therefore answer is 2 tuples.

  1. SELECT operation in SQL is equivalent to

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    SELECT operation in SQL perform vertical partitioning which is made by projection operation in relational calculus, but SQL is multi-sets. Hence the projection operation in relational algebra, except that SELECT in SQL retains duplicates answer is correct.

    Correct Option: D

    SELECT operation in SQL perform vertical partitioning which is made by projection operation in relational calculus, but SQL is multi-sets. Hence the projection operation in relational algebra, except that SELECT in SQL retains duplicates answer is correct.

  1. Consider a database that has the relation schema EMP (EmpId. EmpName, and DeptName). An instance of the schema EMP and a SQL query on it are given below.

    The output of executing the SQL query is_______.

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    Result of outer query or Avg (NUM) =
    = 2.6

    Correct Option: B

    Result of outer query or Avg (NUM) =
    = 2.6