Data Sufficiency

Direction: Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and answer the question.

  1. How is 'letter written in a code language?
    I. 'please write a letter' is written as '7218' 'and recieved a Greek letter' is written as '7513'.
    II. 'write in English please' is written as '2084' and 'a Greek' is written as '5714'.

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    Using Statement I:
    a letter → '71'
    Using Statement II:
    'in' → '4'
    Using both:
    'Greek' → '5' and 'received → '3'
    Code for 'letter' cannot be found even by using both statements together.

    Correct Option: D

    Using Statement I:
    a letter → '71'
    Using Statement II:
    'in' → '4'
    Using both:
    'Greek' → '5' and 'received → '3'
    Code for 'letter' cannot be found even by using both statements together.

  1. Among A, B, C,D and E seated in a straight line, facing North, who sits exactly in the middle of the line?
    I. A sits third to the left of D. B sits on the immediate right of C.
    II. B sits second to the right of A. E is not an immediate neighbour of D.

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    Using Statement I:
    A C B D
    Position of E Cannot be found it can be left of A or right of D.
    Using Statement II: Many seating arrangements are possible
    Using both: E A C B D is the unique arrangement are that is possible and C sits in the middle.

    Correct Option: E

    Using Statement I:
    A C B D
    Position of E Cannot be found it can be left of A or right of D.
    Using Statement II: Many seating arrangements are possible
    Using both: E A C B D is the unique arrangement are that is possible and C sits in the middle.

  1. A six-storey building consisting of an unoccupied ground floor and five floors on the top of the ground floor numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 houses five different persons, viz A, B, C, D and E. Who lives on third floor?
    I. C lives on an even-numbered above D. B live immediately above A.
    II D lives on an odd-numbered floor. A and B are immediate neighbours. Similarly, C and E are immediate neighbours. C does not live on an odd-numbered floor.

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    Using Statement I:
    We get two arrangement, ie
    5 → B E
    4 → A C
    3 → D or B
    2 → C A
    1 → E D
    Using Statement II: Many arrangements are possible.

    Correct Option: D

    Using Statement I:
    We get two arrangement, ie
    5 → B E
    4 → A C
    3 → D or B
    2 → C A
    1 → E D
    Using Statement II: Many arrangements are possible.

  1. Are all four friend, Abhay, Kavita, Prashant and Yasir, Who are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre?
    I. Kavita sits second to the left of Abhay. Abhay faces the centre. Yasir sits on the immediate right of Abhay as well as Kavita.
    II. Prashant sits third to the right of Kavita. Abhay sits on the immediate right of Prashant as well as Yasir.

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    Using Statement I: From the line "Yasir sits on the immediate right of Abhay as well as Kavita" we
    can conclude that one of Abhay and Kavita is facing towards the centre and the outside So, all friends are Not facing the centre.

    Correct Option: C

    Using Statement I: From the line "Yasir sits on the immediate right of Abhay as well as Kavita" we
    can conclude that one of Abhay and Kavita is facing towards the centre and the outside So, all friends are Not facing the centre.

  1. Is R grand-daughter f C?
    I: The only sister of A is the mother of R's brother B.
    II. C, the mother of A, has only one granson B.

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    Using Statement I: C is not in the statement. So using I only we can never find the relation between R and C. Using Statement II: R is not in the statement .So using II only we can never find the relation between R and C.Using both: We can conclude that R is the granddaughter of C.

    Correct Option: E

    Using Statement I: C is not in the statement. So using I only we can never find the relation between R and C. Using Statement II: R is not in the statement .So using II only we can never find the relation between R and C.Using both: We can conclude that R is the granddaughter of C.