Biomolecules Constituents of Life Miscellaneous
- How many different protein sequences of 100 residues can be generated using 20 standard amino acids ?
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20100 different protein sequences of 100 residues can be generated using 20 standard amino acids.
Correct Option: C
20100 different protein sequences of 100 residues can be generated using 20 standard amino acids.
- Amino acid residue which is most likely to be found in the interior of water-soluble globular proteins is
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Globular proteins have no systematic structures. There may be single chains, two or more chains which interact in the usual ways or there may be portions of the chains with helical structures, pleated structures, or completely random structures. Common globular proteins include egg albumin, hemoglobin, myoglobin, insulin, serum globulins in blood, and many enzymes. Water-soluble globular proteins have hydrophobic amino acids present in the interior of the protein structure forming hydrophobic bonds. So, valine is the amino acid residue most likely to be present on the interior.
Correct Option: C
Globular proteins have no systematic structures. There may be single chains, two or more chains which interact in the usual ways or there may be portions of the chains with helical structures, pleated structures, or completely random structures. Common globular proteins include egg albumin, hemoglobin, myoglobin, insulin, serum globulins in blood, and many enzymes. Water-soluble globular proteins have hydrophobic amino acids present in the interior of the protein structure forming hydrophobic bonds. So, valine is the amino acid residue most likely to be present on the interior.
- The 4-amino or 4-keto group of pyrimidine bases is located in the
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The pyrimidine bases, Thymine and Cytosine in case of DNA have a 4-amino or a 4-keto group present with the amide ring. These 4-amino or 4-keto groups are present in the major groove of the DNA molecule.
Correct Option: A
The pyrimidine bases, Thymine and Cytosine in case of DNA have a 4-amino or a 4-keto group present with the amide ring. These 4-amino or 4-keto groups are present in the major groove of the DNA molecule.
- Match the reagents in Group I with their preferred cleavage sites in Group II.
Group I
P.Cyanogen bromide
Group II
1.Carboxyl side of methionine
2.Amino side of methionine
3.Carboxyl side of tryptophan
4.Amino side of cysteine
5.Asparagine-glycine bonds
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Correct Option: A
- Which one of the following amino acids has the highest probability to be found on the surface of a typical globular protein in aqueous environment?
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Arginine, lysine aspartic, glutamic and histidine can present in aqueous environment.
Correct Option: C
Arginine, lysine aspartic, glutamic and histidine can present in aqueous environment.