Religious Movement

  1. Who was the founder of Sunyavada?

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    Aunyavada was founded by an Indian Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna (150 - 250 CE) and based on the Prajnaparamita Sutras, expounding the philosophy of emptiness, voidness (Sunyata), which later also influenced Ch' an in China and Zen in Japan.

    Correct Option: D

    Aunyavada was founded by an Indian Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna (150 - 250 CE) and based on the Prajnaparamita Sutras, expounding the philosophy of emptiness, voidness (Sunyata), which later also influenced Ch' an in China and Zen in Japan.

  1. Who was the founder of Vigyanvada or Yogachar?

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    Maitreyanatha (270 -350 CE) is one of the three founders of the Vigyanvada or Yogachar school of Buddhist philosophy, along with Asanga and Vasubandhu.

    Correct Option: C

    Maitreyanatha (270 -350 CE) is one of the three founders of the Vigyanvada or Yogachar school of Buddhist philosophy, along with Asanga and Vasubandhu.

  1. Who was the founder of Aajivak Sampradaya?

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    Ajivika, an ascetic sect that emerged in India about the same time as Buddhism and Jainism and that lasted until the 14th century. It was foundedby Goshala Maskariputra (also called Gosala Makkhaliputta).

    Correct Option: B

    Ajivika, an ascetic sect that emerged in India about the same time as Buddhism and Jainism and that lasted until the 14th century. It was foundedby Goshala Maskariputra (also called Gosala Makkhaliputta).

  1. Syadvad is a doctrine of

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    Syadvad is doctrine of Jainism. Syadvad is the philosophy of seeing and individual or an object from various points of view; trying to understand them and acquiring the right knowledge of those things.

    Correct Option: B

    Syadvad is doctrine of Jainism. Syadvad is the philosophy of seeing and individual or an object from various points of view; trying to understand them and acquiring the right knowledge of those things.

  1. Who was the founder of Lokayat sect?

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    The terms Lokayata and Carvaka have historically been used to denote the philosophical school of Indian Materialism. Carvaka and Ajita Kesakambalin are said to have established Indian Materialism as a formal philosophical system, but some still hold that Brihaspati was its original founder. Brihaspati authored the classic work on Indian Materialism, the Brihaspati Sutra.

    Correct Option: A

    The terms Lokayata and Carvaka have historically been used to denote the philosophical school of Indian Materialism. Carvaka and Ajita Kesakambalin are said to have established Indian Materialism as a formal philosophical system, but some still hold that Brihaspati was its original founder. Brihaspati authored the classic work on Indian Materialism, the Brihaspati Sutra.