Structural Organisation in Animals

  1. Which cartilage is present at the end of long bones?

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    Hyaline cartilage is present at the end of long articular bones. It provides a smooth articular surface to permit movement at joints. Elastic cartilage is found where support with flexibility is needed such as in external ears. Fibro cartilage is a very tough substance and is used in places of the body where shock absorbers are needed. Examples – Discs between vertebrate and in the knee joints.

    Correct Option: B

    Hyaline cartilage is present at the end of long articular bones. It provides a smooth articular surface to permit movement at joints. Elastic cartilage is found where support with flexibility is needed such as in external ears. Fibro cartilage is a very tough substance and is used in places of the body where shock absorbers are needed. Examples – Discs between vertebrate and in the knee joints.

  1. Protein present in the matrix of cartilage is known as

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    Chondrin is a gelatin-like substance and can be obtained by boiling cartilage in water. The cartilage is a connective tissue that contains cells embedded in a matrix of chondrin.

    Correct Option: A

    Chondrin is a gelatin-like substance and can be obtained by boiling cartilage in water. The cartilage is a connective tissue that contains cells embedded in a matrix of chondrin.

  1. The polysaccharide present in the matrix of cartilage is known as

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    The chief component of ground substance of cartilage is chondromuco protein which is formed of chondriotin sulphate, keratin sulphate and hyaluronic acid.

    Correct Option: C

    The chief component of ground substance of cartilage is chondromuco protein which is formed of chondriotin sulphate, keratin sulphate and hyaluronic acid.

  1. Formation of cartilage bones involves

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    Deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts and resorption chondroblasts.

    Correct Option: A

    Deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts and resorption chondroblasts.

  1. Mast cells secrete

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    At the site of infection, the infectious organisms release some chemical to increase the flow of mast cells towards the inflammation site. Mast cell release histamine which increases the permeability of blood vessels at the site of inflammation so that more blood supply takes place. The site gets warm and red due to this.

    Correct Option: B

    At the site of infection, the infectious organisms release some chemical to increase the flow of mast cells towards the inflammation site. Mast cell release histamine which increases the permeability of blood vessels at the site of inflammation so that more blood supply takes place. The site gets warm and red due to this.