Digestion and Absorption
- A person is eating boiled potato, which food component is found in it?
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Boiled potato does not contain cellulose or lactose. Its starch is also digested. DNA is broken down into purines, pyrimidines and sugars by pancreatic nuclease (such as DNAase).
Correct Option: A
Boiled potato does not contain cellulose or lactose. Its starch is also digested. DNA is broken down into purines, pyrimidines and sugars by pancreatic nuclease (such as DNAase).
- The hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice is
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Enterogasterone reduces digestive activity of stomach. Renin is secreted by kidney and regulates blood pressure. Enterokinase activates trypsinogen to trypsin.
Correct Option: D
Enterogasterone reduces digestive activity of stomach. Renin is secreted by kidney and regulates blood pressure. Enterokinase activates trypsinogen to trypsin.
- For persons suffering from high blood cholesterol, the physicians recommend
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Hypercholesterolemia or high blood cholesterol arises due to excess saturated fat in the diet. In this condition cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels causing reduction in their diameter. This results in rise of blood pressure and other cardiac disorders. The disease can be prevented by taking unsaturated oils in the diet i.e. vegetable oils such as groundnut oils. Butter, ghee, animal fats are all rich in saturated fatty acids.
Correct Option: B
Hypercholesterolemia or high blood cholesterol arises due to excess saturated fat in the diet. In this condition cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels causing reduction in their diameter. This results in rise of blood pressure and other cardiac disorders. The disease can be prevented by taking unsaturated oils in the diet i.e. vegetable oils such as groundnut oils. Butter, ghee, animal fats are all rich in saturated fatty acids.
- Where is protein digestion accomplished?
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Protein digestion starts in the stomach with the action of enzyme pepsin. In the duodenum it is performed by the action of trypsin, chymotrypsin & carboxypeptidases (from pancreatic juice). Aminopeptidases & dipeptidases, enterokinase act in jejunum and it ends in the ileum.
Correct Option: B
Protein digestion starts in the stomach with the action of enzyme pepsin. In the duodenum it is performed by the action of trypsin, chymotrypsin & carboxypeptidases (from pancreatic juice). Aminopeptidases & dipeptidases, enterokinase act in jejunum and it ends in the ileum.
- Secretin stimulates production of
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Pancreatic juice secretion is regulated by the hormone secretin, which is produced by the walls of the duodenum upon detection of acid in food, proteins, and fats.
Correct Option: D
Pancreatic juice secretion is regulated by the hormone secretin, which is produced by the walls of the duodenum upon detection of acid in food, proteins, and fats.