What is the full form of UPSC?
What is the full form of UPSC?
The full form of UPSC is Union Public Service Commission. it is a central recruitment agency that conducts examinations of All India services and group A & group B of Central services.
It was formed on 1st October 1926 and headquartered in Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi. Arvind Saxena is the current chairman of UPSC.
List of Examination conducted by UPSC
Civil service Examination
Engineering Services Examination
Medical Services Examination
Combined Defence Service Examination
Indian Economic Service Examination
National Defence Academy Examination
Special Class Railway Apprentices
Indian forest service Examination
Combined Geoscientist and Geologist Examination
Central Armed police force Examination
Eligibility criteria and selection process for UPSC examination is different for different post.
Functions of UPSC
Conduct exam every year for union services.
Direct selection through interview.
Promotion and transfer of the officer.
Decide suitable candidates for promotion, transfer, and
Discipilanary case aginst civil servant.