What is the full form of RAW?

  1. What is the full form of RAW?
  1. The full form of RAW is the Research and Analysis Wing. RAW is a foreign intelligence agency in India. it was founded on 21 September 1968 and headquartered in New Delhi.
    The current chief is Samant Goel. Raw agency established after failure in the Indo-China war 1962.
    Rameshwar Nath Kao was the first director of RAW. RAW is an independent agency, it is is not answerable to the reports directly to the prime minister of India.

    Objective of RAW

    Monitoring political and military developments in countries, which have a direct bearing on India’s national security and in the formulation of its foreign policy.

    Conduct Anti-terror operations and counteract terror elements which cause a threat to India.

    Convert operations to protect inida.

    Function of RAW

    The main function of RAW is the collection of foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism, and Counter-proliferation.

    It is also accountable to collect and analyze foreign government information.

    It is also responsible to advise Indian policymakers.

What is the full form of RAW?