What is the full form of ITP?
What is the full form of ITP?
The full form of ITP is Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. ITP is also known as immune thrombocytopenic Purpura. It occurs when the number of platelets becomes very low in the body. It generally happens when a person's immune system starts to work against its own body and kill the platelets essential for the common coagulating of blood. Thus, because of the low level of platelet in blood person experiencing from ITP can easily bruise or bleed.
ITP occur in both adults and children, it is more common in women in younger age and at older ages, it is more common in older men. Children experience this condition after viral fever like chickenpox, mumps, and measles.
What is platelets?
Platelets are created in the bone marrow. They help stop bleeding and clot blood by clumping together and seal cuts in the blood vessels or tissue. If your blood does not produce the required amount of platelets it slows down the clotting process which results in internal bleeding.
Types of ITP
There are two types of ITP:
Acute ITP- It is common in children,It usually lasts less than six months.
Chronic ITP- It is mostly occur in young adults( common in females than males). It lasts six months or longer.
What are the common symptoms of ITP?
These are the symptoms of ITP:
1. Blood in stool and urine
2. Heavy menstruation
3. Bleeding in gums
4. Excessive bleeding from cuts
5. Excessive bleeding during any surgical procedure
6. Continues nose bleeding
7. Bruising easily
Diagnosis of ITP
To diagnose ITP your doctor prescribed complete physical examination to know the level of platelets count in your body
CBC (Complete blood count)- CBC is a type of blood test performed to know the platelet count and blood cells.
Bone marrow examination-This test is performed to know the bone marrow contains enough platelets.
Other Tests- Kidney funcation test, liver funcation test, blood smear.
Treatment of ITP
1. ITP treatment depends upon how regularly and the amount of person bleed, according to that treatment started.
2. Medication is the only way to cure ITP, course of medication deceased as platelets count increase in the body.
3. The medication started by doctor focus on increasing the number of platelets in the body.
4. Regular monitoring of platelets
5. Acute ITP disappears with 6 months
6. In some cases, the spleen may be extracted to slow or stop the loss of the platelets, it generally performed when medications are not enough to produce platelets.