What is the full form of PCI?
What is the full form of PCI?
The full form of PCI is Press Council of India. It is a statutory autonomous, adjudicating organization in India which is established on 4th July 1966 by parliament. Press Council of India run under the Press Council Act of 1978.
Press Council of India consist of a chairman and 28 other members, the chairman of PCI is generally a retired Supreme Court judge, out of 28 members 20 are from a member of media, they are selected by newspapers, television channel and other media sources run in India, 5 members are from Lok Sabha and Rajaya Sabha, and rest 3 members are from culture literary and legal field.
Justice Chandramauli Kumar Prasad is the current chairman of the Press Council of India since 2015.
Objectives of PCI
To maintain the freedom of the Press.
To develop and maintain the standards of newspapers in India.
To develop a code of conduct for newspapers and journalists according to professional standards.
Funcations of PCI
1. To help newspapers and news offices to preserve their freedom.
2. To promote technical and other research work.
3. Conduct training and education programs for the person associated with journalism.
4. To encourage the growth of a sense of responsibility and public service among all those who are associated with journalism.