What is the full form of NACO?
What is the full form of NACO?
The full form of NACO is the National Aids Control Organization. It is a government organization established in 1992 and headquartered in New Delhi with the aim to prevent and control HIV/AIDS in India. It is part of India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare that provides leadership to HIV/AIDS control programs in India through 35 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Societies.
In 2010, NACO endorsed the TeachAIDS educational plan for use in India, an advancement that spoke to the first occasion when that HIV/AIDS schooling could be given in an educational program.
1. Bulid an integrated Channel to reach out to the diverse population
2. Create a platform in India where every person is safe from HIV/AIDS
3. An India where each individual living with HIV is treated with poise and approaches quality consideration
4. An India where each individual will, in the long run, carry on with a solid and safe life, upheld by innovative advances
5. An India where each individual who is profoundly defenceless against HIV is heard and contacted.
Functions of NACO
1. NACO provide easy & reliable access to healthcare service to people with HIV.
2. It provides moral support to people with HIV to live their normal life.
3. It establishes relationships with NGOs, women’s self-help organizations, and other support networks to provide better services.
3. It creates awareness and provides reliable knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
4. Encourage people to use condoms and other contraception for safe sexual contact.