What is the full form of UTI?
What is the full form of UTI?
The full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection. UTI is an infection of the lower urinary tract, which includes kidney, bladder, uterus, urethra. it usually caused by bacteria, but sometimes it caused by fungi and rarely by virus.women have a high chance of getting a urinary tract infection.
symptoms of UTI
Urinary tract infection systems depend on which part of urinary tract infection occurs:
Symptoms of a lower tract UTI
burning with urination
increased frequency of urination
increased urgency of urination
bloody urine
cloudy urine
urine that looks like cola or tea
urine that has a strong odor
pelvic pain in women
rectal pain in men
Symptoms of an upper tract UTI (Kidney, ureters)
pain and tenderness in the upper back
UTI Cause
UTI is caused by Bacteria E.coil. pathogen enters into the urinary tract via urethra or anus.then its reaches the bladder and starts multiplying. the infection mostly occurs in the bladder and urethra.
Risk Factor of UTI
There are many factors that increased the risk of getting a UTI. These factors include:
previous history UTI
Kidney stone
age — older age people are more likely to get UTIs
reduced mobility after surgery or prolonged bed rest
urinary tract blockages, Like enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and certain forms of cancer
Long use of urinary catheters, which may make it easier for bacteria to get into your bladder
Diabetes People
a weakened immune system
Type of UTI
Three types of UTI -
Cystitis Infection
Urethritis infection
Pyelonephritis infection
UTI Prevention
Drink Plenty water, it is the best way to prevent UTI
Don't hold Urine for a long time
Wipe from front to back after urinating or bowel movement.
skip deodorant sprays, scented powders, and other irritating feminine products
Skip douching
wash up before and after intercourse