What is the full form of UNO?
What is the full form of UNO?
The full form of UNO is United Nations Organization.
UNO is an international organization that aims to maintain peace security and friendly relation among the country.
The UN is headquartered on international territory in New York City.
it was founded on 24th October 1945 after World War II. with the aim of preventing future wars, succeeding in the ineffective League of Nations.
At the beginning it consists of 51 member states, at present, it
have 193 member states.
UN Official Language
UN has six official languages:
Constitution Of UNO
The United Nations organization has six main bodies:
The General Assembly
It is the only universally representative body of the united nations. it elects a nonpermanent member of the security council and other bodies.
It approves the Budget.
The Security Council
The main responsibility of the security council is to maintain international peace and security among the countries.
The Economic and Social Council
Responsible for coordinating economic and social matters.
The Trusteeship Council
It has been inactive since 1994. the main purpose to manage colonial possessions that were former League of countries mandates.
The International Court of Justice
resolve the dispute between the states and issue a legal opinion.
The Secretariat
support other UN bodies for administrative functions. for example - arranging conferences, perpetration of budget, writing reports.
Objective of UNO
Maintain international peace and security.
Protect Human rights.
Provide human aids to those who need help.
Upholding international law.
promoting democracy.