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Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Miscellaneous

Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

  1. Ambient air is at a pressure of 100 kPa, dry bulb temperature of 30° C and 60% relative humidity, The saturation pressure of water at 30° C is 4.24 kPa. The specific humidity of air (in g/kg of dry air) is (correct to two decimal places).
    1. 26.24 gms/kg of dry air
    2. 16.24 gms/kg of dry air
    3. 18.24 gms/kg of dry air
    4. 19.24 gms/kg of dry air
Correct Option: B

Patm = 100 kPa
DBT = t = 30°C → PVS = 4.24 k Pa
φ = 60° = 0.6

⇒ 0.6 =

PV = 2.544 kPa
w = 0.622 ×
Patm - PV

w = 0.622 ×
100 - 2.544

w = 16.24 gms/kg of dry air

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